Code of Conduct
Vores Code of Conduct er på engelsk da det er et krav for kunder.
At Courant Group, we recognize that our responsibility for social and sustainable impacts are linked to the cooperation we have with our clients and vendors. This Code of Conduct sets the standard and target for Courant Group.
Courant Group management have a risk-based approach and will at least once a year assess the current Code of Conduct and adjust and improve in accordance with actual situation. This work is documented and archived.
Social impact
Principle for Human rights:
- Courant supports and respects the protection of internationally recognized human rights, and ensures that they do not contribute to human rights violations.
- Courant uphold the freedom of association and ensure the right to conduct collective bargaining is recognized in practice. The supplier shall respect the employees’ right to join or form a trade union to protect their interests, and to refrain from any trade union if desired.
- Courant ensure that all forms of forced labor are abolished. We will not use forced labor, neither physically nor mentally, and have a zero tolerance for slave labor and human trafficking.
- Courant ensure that child labor is effectively abolished, and we shall not use child labor. This means that children under the age of 15 or children who are required to attend school must not perform work.
Principle for Equality:
- Courant ensure that discrimination in working life is abolished. We will refrain from discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination applies to discrimination on the basis of gender, pregnancy, maternity or adoption leave, care responsibilities, ethnicity, religion, outlook on life, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or age.
Principle for Anti-Corruption:
- Courant fights all forms of corruption, including extortion, fraud, anti-trust, or tax evasion extortion and bribery. We comply with zero tolerance for corruption and will actively refrain from any corruption or corrupt practices and should take all relevant measures to ensure that subcontractors, agents, or any other third parties, subject to its control or determining influence, do not engage in corrupt behavior.
- Courant will work in accordance with the OECD Guidelines.
Principle for Trade:
- Courant will ensure that our practices are in accordance with all applicable trade laws, directives, and regulations, including those governing the import and export of products, technology, and data. Where applicable, we will provide truthful and accurate information and to timely obtain appropriate licenses and/or authorizations.
- Courant will comply with all other applicable laws and regulations and binding mandatory industry standards.
Principle for Reporting:
- Courant provide our employees and subcontractors with channels for raising legal or ethical issues or concerns without fear of retaliation. We also take action to detect, prevent, and correct any retaliatory practices.
- Courant provides access to remedy through effective channels (grievance mechanisms) if we have caused or contributed to adverse impacts. We will use our leverage if we are linked to a severe or significant impact.
Version: 10012023