Unlock you cyber security compliance with Courant - Courant

Unlock you cyber security compliance with Courant

The compliance demands are increasing, and even though terms such as information security, cyber security or similar are not mentioned in § 115 of the Companies Act or the Relevant Recommendations for good corporate governance, it is evident that IT security and cyber security are part of the board’s risk management. Risk covers all kinds of threats. The responsibility cannot be delegated to IT.

Like GDPR, other regulations such as NIS2 and DORA also have sanctions in the form of fines or imprisonment for management if you do not meet the requirements.

There are many sources of help available to you, but as management you must supervise what tasks need to be completed, for what reasons and when.

You don’t have time to improve your organization or change things drastically. You need fast and expert help that can defend you from cyber attacks and fix problems if they happen.

Use Courants expert team’s unique combination of experience and expert knowledge to ensure speed and high success rate in your pursuit for information security compliance and get:

  • Help with Risk Management
  • Overview of your IT security and a plan for how to improve it
  • Identification of the biggest gaps in your IT security and how to close them
  • Knowledge of how to foster a culture of IT security in your organization
  • Advice on following the ISO 27001 and NIS2 requirements for cyber security and avoid over-implementation
  • Peace of mind – we help you at any time if something goes wrong (applies to special subscribers)

We are trusted by private and public organisations as a leading expert within efficient implementation of information security according to international standards like ISO 27001 and CMMC.

Contact us on +45 2054 3002 or fill in the form and we will get back to you quickly.

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